Partners | Poteco

POTECO s.c.r.l.

Technological Tanning Pole established from the Tuscan tannery, footwear and commission manufacturer entrepreneurs,from the public bodies that represent the Tannery District and from theProvince of Pisa. It operates since 2002 in research, training, innovation and technologytransfer, assists companies working in the “leather sector”, by providing itshuman and technological resources.

In detail,intervention areas of PO.TE.CO concern:

- Environmentalsustainability, the confluence of instruments and specific projects aimedto research and application of solutions for environmental and eco-friendlinessmonitoring of the tannery sector;

- Themarket, which brings together projects of product innovation and externalcommunication;

-  The experimental tannery and laboratory, to increase competitiveness of thesector in the context of  sustainabilitydevelopment perspective, acting on critical processes for the quality andenvironmental  efficiency, take part inresearch and development projects to introduce innovative elements of product,  process and organizational plan;

- The human resource education, as promotion of business andmanagement expertise.


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